Arise! Shine! In God”s glory and virtue with the light of Christ-Pastor Israel Moore

 Those who will shine in 2023 will need to arise. Shining  the light of Christ is only possible with light. The light is the precise knowledge ( revealed word from God) concerning you. 

What is the Lord saying to you specifically? The general word will only make meaningful impact when you follow what God is saying to you specifically. Don’t be lost in the crowd 

When God is speaking to you, the world around you, including those who love you may mis interpret the word because they love you but they lack understanding of what God is saying to you in specifics.

When you shine , what is revealed is Gods glory by his virtues ( nature)

(Isaiah 60:1)

We need to arise , enough of talking and doing nothing. When we take action by the knowledge of His revealed word , Gods glory is manifested and Gods nature( integrity, excellence and character is revealed) The praise goes to Him alone.

The Ernest expectation of the world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God to be revealed.

Romans 8:19

“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God”.

We need to arise and stop making legitimate excuses of buying a field, attending to wives, plowing our oxen . The kings buisness requires urgency and heaven is looking for those who will arise , those who will shine , those who will display the glory of God by his nature.

If we don’t arise the Barton will be passed to those who are ready. When God told Peter to arise in that revelation to eat Peter began to give religious excuses that he could eat unclean food. What did God do ? 

“And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.”Acts 10:13

God told Paul to arise and go to Damascus and would be told what to do.

Acts 9:6“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

He arose and went and he began to minister to the gentiles that Peter rejected because of legitimate religious excuses.

Beloved , in 2023 Let us arise and shine in Gods glory and virtue by the light of Christ.

God is waiting ,

The world is waiting,

Your family is waiting 

Arise in Jesus names. Shine the light of Christ in Jesus name.

Manifest Gods glory in Jesus name.

Display his virtues in Jesus name.

Amen 🙏 


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