
Showing posts from October, 2022

Prayer, the most attacked virtue by the enemy * Pastor Israel Moore

Prayer, the most attacked virtue by the enemy * Prayer is the most attacked venture by the enemy. When it is time for prayers many don’t show up but when it is time for feasting the church is full (2 Timothy 3:2)  Prayer generate power   The Bible says in 2 Tim 3:5 “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away”  The scriptures teaches  in James 5: 16 “ Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” Notice what the Bible says. Confess your faults one to another. It is in the place of prayer that you confess your faults. A proud person does not enjoy prayer because that is the place you must come with humility. The scriptures says in 2 Chronicles  7: 14 If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray “ Let me emphasize this again Prayerful people are humble people but proud people hardly pray and even if they...


  *HOSPITAL OUTREACH BY YPRAM* In line with God’s vision for YPRAM (Matthew 25:35-36), the church visited and made cash donations to patients in Edo State central hospital, Benin city, on Wednesday 26th, October 2022. The patients and hospital management were full of joy to receive the church. We wish to thank God for YPRAM leadership and the grace He has bestowed on the church. Thank you Pastor, answering and fulfilling the mandate. Here are some pictures and videos: God bless and increase YPRAM.

Glorify the Lord - Pastor Kester

*Glorify the Lord* Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. 1Chr 16:10 When we hear about the heroes of the Old Testament, we often hear about the ways God empowered them to fight battles and bring him glory. But, we should also take note of the times they recognized God's holiness and glorified his Holy name. For instance, David wrote psalms that frequently celebrate God's goodness. They not only sought God and showed reverence, the psalms show how believers of long ago also rejoiced because of all he had and would do.  When is the last time you worshipped God with rejoicing? Dear God, You are deserving of all glory, honor, and praise.  May my heart always be filled with thanksgiving. You are worthy of all my praise.  You are holy, O Lord. Help me to praise you freely and honestly like the psalmists.  I rejoice in Your holiness knowing You are the same yesterday, today, and always.  You are the Alpha and the Omega. May I live...

*Life in Christ.. free will.* by Pastor Kester

 *Life in Christ.. free will.*  Romans 5:17-18 (KJV)  For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.  Do you ever wonder what the world would have been like without Adam? Personally, I think that if it hadn't been Adam, it would have been someone else. Maybe me or you! Once God decided to give human beings free will, it was only a matter of time that someone decided to put himself first! Have I sinned? Have you? I'm sure the answer to both is yes, so we would have to have been redeemed. It's kind of easy to blame Adam, but let's be real; God knew we would fall. But the thing is, if we didn't have the free will that gets us into trouble, we wouldn't be able to lo...

Pastor Kester - For our God is a consuming fire

 For our God is a consuming fire.. Heb 12:29 consuming fire is one that completely or utterly destroys, so why would a loving God also be called a consuming fire? It is a challenging question, but we must understand that God is holy – so holy that the unrighteous cannot be in his presence. This consuming fire destroys anything unholy. Those with sin are unable to approach God. It is only through his son, Jesus Christ, that we find forgiveness and salvation. Through his mercy, we are able to stand reverently before Him. As we recognize Jesus in our life by the holy spirit power we are changing to be like him..   Pray:  Dear God, You are a consuming fire. You are holy, O Lord. We know sin is an offense to You. Forgive us of our sins, Father. Thank You for Your mercy and for sending Your son, Jesus Christ, so that we may approach You with reverence and awe. You are amazing and we are undeserving of Your attention, but You are good to show us favor. May I always remember...


  YPRAM invites you to a scheduled Prayer Meeting Zoom meeting. Topic: The Kingdom Suffers Violence, You need to be Violent to take it Time: Oct 29, 2022 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Texas 1:PM Nigeria: 7pm Join Zoom Meeting Take a fast as led by Gods Spirit  Pst Israel Moore

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